May 31, 2008

Helen, Joshua and Gerald

This is what I've decided to name my children. I haven't spoken to Robbin about this. And I probably won't have 3. I'll probably have 2 girls and the fun of coming up with a new one. But for now, I've made this decision and happy with it. Oh, and I'm also not even considering having children yet.
I spoke with an employee today who talked a lot about the choosing the name process....and I realized I was done with it. I really hope Robbin doesn't want to repeat the RRM initials his whole family has. I think it is really cool. Except that we'd ALL be Rs and I'm afraid my kids won't be able to say R, like I couldn't until my speech therapist from God taught me at 8....after 8 years of being named Rachel*. Plus the only R name I've ever considered is Rose and Titanic may have torpedoed that for me. Maybe Roslyn. Or Robbin's middle name Royce.

It's much easier to think about problems and decisions that don't exist than face the ones that need to be made soon.

*BTW I love my name. It's not girly at all while still not being a feminine version of a masculine name.


Crabby Apple Seed: said...

wait, what's the masculine name that you're a version of?

Choosing names is fun until you find out that the person you're with actually has an opinion. And it's totally different from yours.

But if you name your daughter Helen, can I call her Lennie? Because I took care of a patient who went by Lennie and it was really cute.

Rae said...

Rachel is -not- a feminine version of a masculine name. I'm not sure there is a masculine version. It means female lamb (ewe)

Rae said...

Oh, and you can call her Lennie unless she doesn't like it.

Anonymous said...

If we had a girl, she would have been Guenevere Rose, with the initials GRO. I really liked it.