June 17, 2008


I joined about 2 or 3 weeks ago. Great at getting back in touch with people. My friends from highschool, Cindy (who I still see all the time) & Brad (who I have not kept in touch with) joined about the same time as me. This combined with the fact that Facebook is already a hotbed of Maine South Thespian activity....overwhelmed me a bit. It made me think about why I decided to turn down stage manager jr year for Oliver! It made me think about how much I loved being part of productions and reminded me why I gravitated away from it. Oh the introspection of a drama freak.... But mostly I like the random videos on facebook. :-)
(and the weirdedst thing is that this will also post on my facebook page....)


Anonymous said...

YAY FACEBOOK! I've been waiting for all you cool kids to get your butts on there!

Rae said...

Well, the coolest kid was already there. We're following you, Tim. You are our leader.

Anonymous said...

If that's true, then we are all in deep deep trouble.