May 7, 2010

Anniversary Weekend

The weekend of May 2 was our 1st wedding anniversary. Robbin got me tickets to see Mary Poppins in Atlanta. Taking advice from our friend Amanda, we had lunch in Decatur at Emily Salier's restaurant Watershed. I'm a huge Indigo Girls fan so I figured we had to go. The food was phenomenal. Pork and fig sandwich, butternut squash potato pancakes, braised cabbage, roasted beets, and lightly fried cauliflower. Awesome and reasonably priced. I'd definitely stop there again.

We need some furniture for the new house so we also spent time at Ikea, Crate and Barrel, Pottery Barn and Room & Board. Our new house has limited closet space and I've had a singular vision on using Ikea wardrobes to supplement the master bedroom storage. As soon as Robbin also saw their PAX warbdrobes, he came to the same (tunnel-like) view as myself. And while I know he probably would have been okay with whatever I picked out; it's nice to have him excited about the choice.

Dinner was a Ecco. Lamb, Mussels, Pasta, Pork, Fennel, Wine, Belgian Beer. Very good food. Excellent wait staff. It was listed as a good restaurant to go to before a show at the Fox Theatre, but it seemed a little bit a of trek in my dress shoes.

While we were in Atlanta, we also checked out Piedmont Park. With our furniture shopping agenda, we had little time for anything else. We have to go back next weekend with a conversion van to pick up the wardrobes, so maybe we'll see/ do more then.

Aside from that weeks 2 & 3 in Augusta included many visits to the YMCA, Lowe's for paint samples, creativity in cooking with no oven, dinner with Robbin's friend Ross from Cincinnati and Cinco de Mayo with some young woman engineers from IP. Tonight: Lobster Race in Aiken, SC.

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