September 17, 2010

Medium Shrimp

According to Babycenter that is the size of my baby right now at 13 weeks. The first trimester has been a little bumpy but nothing horrific. I think it may have been easier to deal with if I had been working. Most of the time the morning sickness manifested itself in nausea and exhaustion, which made most the house and yard work at hand daunting. But I'm fairly certain I could have pushed through sitting at my desk and being productive in that realm. In contrast, I have had at least 2 days pass here where the only productivity is clearing my DVR.

So far pregnancy has been wonderful for my weight, I've lost about 8 lbs. My doctor isn't worried about it yet, as long as it turns around this week with the start of the 2nd trimester. I know some people really like baby belly pics, but my belly wasn't photogenic before pregnancy and I can't imagine it will get any better.


Crabby Apple Seed: said...

my belly was pretty darn photogenic when I first got pregnant w/G, but I still didn't take pics until I was 5 months along. the first trimester pregnant belly is REALLY not photogenic, with all the bloat and whatnot.

once you get a good bump going, you should really take pics, if only for yourself. they're fun to look at afterwards!

Donna said...

Totally agree about the belly pics! They are awesome. I always loved seeing how big the little guys were. We called Liam the coffee bean pretty much until he was born. I even took pics at the beginning to see how it changed. Even though you don't get super big with #1 it's still AMAZING to see how your body changes. Truly unreal that this is how babies come into the world. Very sci-fi. :o)