April 7, 2011

1 month

I can hardly believe it's been a month.  There are already things I miss about him that he's grown out of.  He used to have this adorable smile on his face when he woke up and would dramatically root, swinging his head over.  He would do this repeatedly with a huge smile on his face, simply expecting a nipple to be right there when he woke up.  He still occasionally does this along with five other versions of this, but there is already a difference.  

So, what else can I say about my son after a month?  He hasn't yet decided if he is going to be a brunette or a blonde.  His eyes are still blue.  He has a constant diaper rash.  He loves the pacifier.  He loves to eat.  He has a constantly dirty diaper; (his digestive and renal systems seem to work on a continuous rather than a batch process.)    He loves it when you sing or talk to him.  He is a snuggler.  And he spits up a lot.


Donna said...

Such a sweetie pie!

Crabby Apple Seed: said...

A month!! Wow. Katie's first month flew, and somehow I still think Jerry should be a few days old.