April 29, 2011


I *think* that was the name of Kathy's new kitten circa 1994.  On one of many countless nights my friends spent in the Sandriks' living room, I was captivated by anything Scout did.  Anything.  "Look, she's walking!"  "Aw, she licked me," as I broke out in hives.  And my friends gently made fun of me for clearly never having been around a kitten before.

Sometimes I feel like that around Gerald.  When he wakes up, he stretches his arms one at a time then both, far over his head.  He yawns.  He keeps his eyes closed.  He smacks his lips.  It's the most adorable thing in the world.  I'm certain of it.  Robbin suggested capturing it on video...I rolled my eyes at him.  But as I sit on the couch next to Jerry right now as he stirs awake, I really wish I had that camera in my hands.


Megan M said...

Video it...then when he is 5 and yelling and screaming at you, you can walk away and watch the video and remember....

INTPLibrarian said...

I'd watch it. :-)

Crabby Apple Seed: said...

yes, that was Scouty. who is still alive...but hanging on by a thread. Anyway. I would also watch a video of that, the double-arm stretch is a definite evolutionary advantage, except when it makes us eat them.