May 18, 2011

Mr. Sandman

visited Gerald last night.

Last night Gerald fell asleep in the bouncy chair while I was sitting next to him on the floor pumping.  He just fell asleep.  I had about 7 minutes left to pump.  I debated whether I should move him to the crib.  wasn't comfortable just leaving him in there without me in the room and I wanted to sleep.  On the other hand, he might wake up and  it was getting close to 11pm and again, I wanted to sleep.   So, I put him in his crib when I was done pumping and voila, he woke up right away.  He was in a good mood and was just staring at his still mobile and yawning.  I figured I was screwed. He was going to want to nurse again to go back to sleep, I was sure.  

Nature was calling me.  I figured we were in for a long nursing session since I had just pumped.  I couldn't decide if I should just give him what I pumped or nurse him (which would take forever).  Either way, I decided I must take care of me before we started anything.  I came back into the room and he was asleep with his arms above his head.  I doubted this was real.  I knew he was going to wake up as soon as I closed my eyes.  Nope.  It was 11pm.  He slept until 2:30am.  Victory.

Here's the thing though.  It's his progress.  I have nothing to do with this.  I know all about sleep hygiene because of my own bouts of sleeplessness.  But for Jerry?  We hold him all the time.  We will have him sleep next to us.  We use the swing, rock him, or nurse him to sleep everyday, multiple times a day.  The closest thing we have to a bedtime routine is that I've started to put the same footed onesie on him for bed.  Last night was the third night in a row. I doubt that tricked him into sleep.  (It's really soft and lightweight and he hasn't peed through it yet so it's still clean.)  I know he's capable of it now: going to sleep on his own.

At 2:30 I couldn't get him to sleep for anything.  But I'm still claiming (his) victory.

1 comment:

Crabby Apple Seed: said...


and that is a TOTAL victory.