Big week for water here at the MacNeil house. Gerald had 2 firsts: first shower and first swim. The shower went swimmingly and the swim....well, not so much. The shower was spontaneous. Robbin was getting in the shower, I was getting Jerry ready for a bath. It was Kismet. He reportedly enjoyed the shower. He smiled at the water drizzling over his head. He always enjoys hanging out with his Dad. But Gerald is not a fan of getting out of the shower, even with a hooded towel waiting for him.
Yesterday we went to a bbq at our friends house. Oh, and Jason, the host, competes in BBQ competitions in Memphis. His grill is so large you need a towing hitch (and car) to move it around. I only sampled the ribs and the fried bologna. He gave us plates to go home with and hopefully there is some chicken and pulled pork in there for me to try as well. Fried Bologna? I'm not saying I asked for seconds, but it was surprising tasty. Smokey.
Along with an industrial grill, the Hoods have a pool. The anticipation of getting Jerry into the pool for the first time was pretty exciting. Buying a rashguard suit, swimmy diapers (iplay b/c I couldn't find disposables in his size), sun hat. But when the day came, Jerry had been continuing his refusal to nap. After a quick 20 minutes in his friend Maya's crib, we thought maybe a swim would cool him off and help him sleep.
We were wrong.
Huge protests in the water. Hates his hat. The longer in the water, the angrier he became.
Hopefully, he was just too tired. I want to be able to enjoy Grandma MacNeil's pool during our week in NY next month. And I imagine there will be more days at the Hood's pool. I'm excited about swim lessons at the Y when he's old enough. I realize that even though I really want him to enjoy the water, he might not. But we are a long way from deciding he likes it or not.
1 comment:
If it makes you feel any better, apparently I LIKED the pool the first time I went it... and we know how that all turned out.
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