So, here's what we know about Gerald so far
- He hates going to sleep and waking up. Before even opening his eyes he starts fussing and yelling. Over the last 2 weekends we've been to 2 BBQs, both times he wouldn't nap (even when given his own quiet private place.) The other parents there were quite impressed with Jerry's ability to fight sleep at such a young age. And by impressed I mean very sympathetic towards us.
- He loves to sing all by himself. When left alone he just makes little squeals and hums and shouts.
- His hair is brown. Though inexplicitly it can appear blond or red in photos.
- His eyes are still blue, darker like his father's whereas they used to be brighter like my father's. On his left iris there is a brown patch between 10 and 11 o'clock.
- He is starting to soothe himself to sleep, which involves turning to his side in the fetal position and sucking his thumb or pacifier.
- He knows that sticking out his quivering bottom lip will make his parents bend to his every desire. (We're lucky for now these desires only include, eating, being held/ spoken to, diaper changes, and needing help to get to sleep.)
- He really only tolerates story time as a prelude to nursing.
- He gets heartburn.
- He would like to be included in every conversation.
- He loves trying to grab things. He doesn't always succeed. But I have found that I can no longer put the coupons I plan on using in his seat at the grocery store. I kept them there for easy access but yesterday I found he had crumpled them in his fist and wouldn't let go.
- He dreams about wrestling bears. I can't see any other explanation for the acrobatics he performs in his sleep.
- He believes a pacifer can solve most of his problems.
- He hates a wet diaper. But really, who doesn't?
i love that you know about that little spot in his eye...I know exactly where Abigail has two hidden birthmarks on the back of her neck....I think it's because all we want to do is look at them....
I love the dreaming about wrestling bears - too funny! Happy 3 months, little man!
"He hates going to sleep and waking up."
You do know Mom's saying that I completely agree with, right? "The two WORST times of the day are waking up and going to sleep." Maybe it's hereditary....
Also the wrestling bears. I assume you remember sharing a bed with me. That's all I have to say about that. :-)
So the wrestling with bears? This morning Robbin found him perpendicular, on his stomach, with his feet sticking out of the crib bars..trapped. I guess the bear won that one.
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