January 1, 2012


I would love to pretend I was wise enough to know that the start of a new year doesn't necessarily promise a change.  I'm not.  I'm naive enough to hope that this will be the year I am a better friend, wife, mother, daughter, sister, person.  And while I do believe we do need to learn to accept ourselves and our limitations, we should not stop striving to be better in some way.

So, here is an overly ambitious enumeration of aims for 2012.

1) Work out 6 days a week.
2) Eat meat only 2 times a day at most.
3) Participate in meatless Mondays.
4) Blog weekly
5) Read 2-3 books a month
6) Attend church/ Sunday School when in town.
7) Drink only 1-2 cans of Diet Coke a day.
8) Empty the dishwasher while Gerald is napping so I don't have to do it while he is awake
9) Write in Gerald's daily diary
10) Finish one sewing project a month
11) Focus on getting one room in the house "finished" each month
12) Get back in touch with old friends
13) Send birthday cards
14) Plan one mini vacation every 2 months
15) Make sure Robbin and I have one date night a month
16) Put the laundry away right after it's out of the dryer
17) Drink 8 glasses of water a day
18) Lose 20 lbs.
19) Volunteer
20) Be kinder

Should be easy.

1 comment:

Rae said...

Oh and...

21) Tend our garden so it actually grows
22) Eat the "appropriate" special food for the special day, ie, black eyed peas on New Year's Day.