October 4, 2010


This afternoon, I bent over to get laundry out of the dryer...which is still in the kitchen...and I managed to nail my left orbital bone on the side of the kitchen chair. After what seemed like a scene out of the Family Guy in which I held my eye and breathed heavily in and out for minutes, I looked in the mirror. Eyebrow area is already red and swollen. So, now you'll know why I have a black eye in pics from my birthday and from Steve's wedding.

In better news from today, I got a call from the consignment store today. The kitchen lighting fixtures we had brought over last month sold! I get to pick up a check tomorrow and I'll drop off the last large chandelier left from the move (in).

1 comment:

Donna said...

Ooo, ouch! I did a similar thing when Liam was little and I was bending over the futon to unplug the vacuum. I actually hit my cheek bone and got a huge bruise. Then as soon as it went away Liam sat up really fast while we were on the couch and hit me in the exact same spot. I was pretty sure people at work must have started suspecting Eric. Hopefully by next weekend your bruise will be mostly gone. Otherwise you should come visit Liam and you could be twins because he has a whopper bruise on his cheek from wrestling with Eric, Brendan and the couch.
Good job with the consignment shop!