October 27, 2010

Um, I'm kind of huge

Last night as I was getting ready for dinner I put on a dress I've worn for years. It's size 8, it's from Banana Republic. It's kind of stretchy and has no waist so I figured it would work with what I have perceived to be a little bump. We don't have a full length mirror. But based on the view from the bathroom mirror and from my somewhat obstructed view looking down at my belly I thought, this looks good. Off to dinner.

Robbin and I had great Indian food a few friends and listened to the owner/ hostess stories about how the first time she ever ate her own vegetable samosas she was a customer at a local tapas restaurant. Occasionally she sold them to the restaurant for nightly specials. Unfortunately that some night she had too much tequila so she just doesn't have very positive memories of her own vegetable samosas, she prefers that lamb version.

After Robbin and I got home, we went into the kitchen and were discussing topics of great importance when I was distracted by an image in the reflection in our patio windows. It was a huge belly below my belly button. I'm just now at my weight at the time of my first doctor's appointment, after losing during the first trimester. But I'm huge. As if I'm pregnant.


Donna said...

As if, Ramie! :o)

Crabby Apple Seed: said...

well of COURSE your bump was huge, it was the end of the day and you'd just had Indian food!! My belly button is my gauge, and it's always pulled tight and sad-looking at the end of the day, and just kind of stretchy by morning. well, not lately, but up until the last few days.

Or maybe you have a huge, gorgeous bump. I'm not there. Maybe you should take a picture. Just saying:)