January 28, 2011

32 weeks (Large Jicama)

Thursday, January 20th: Good new hair cut. Bangs a little short but hair straightened beautifully...much straighter than I manage with my flat iron. Find out hairdresser's wife is due with their first in July.

Friday, January 21st: Run through ATL to make my connection, forget that last time I ran, I had round ligament pain for the next couple of days. Made my flight, arrived on time at ORD where our jetway was frozen and couldn't be maneuvered to let us on. (because it never gets this cold (-25 F) in Chicago?) Finally deplane, discover I have stretched my ligaments a bit too far, and waddle my way through the rest of the day. Lunch with Steve, check out my sister's new office, bump into Corey while getting coffee with Heather, dinner with Robbin, Mom and Heather.

Saturday January 22nd: Breakfast with Dieden. Early evening gathering with HS friends, minus some spouses. Eat way to much good food Steve and Amanda provided.

Sunday, January 23rd: Cannot get hair straight like it was before. Early morning service: musical accompaniment is wearing a Green Bay Jersey. Our minister uses this as a spring board to speak about forgiveness and being accepting of all people. Wonderful shower with lots and lots of women. Very humbled by efforts of Linda and Kathy as well as the generosity of all my friends and family. And much thanks to Steve for again being Johnnie on the spot.

Monday, January 24th: Return a couple unexpected duplicates from shower. Eat a Lulu's. Eat way too much at Lulu's. At least it was mostly vegetables...covered in some type of nut oil I'm sure...but still vegetables. Shop with Mom.

Tuesday, January 25th: Fly home, no problems. Realize there are no groceries at our house, go out for fancy dinner at Panera.

Wednesday, January 26th: Watch a C-Section in Birth Class. Really hope I get to give birth the other way...which is really saying something considering how terrifying a vaginal birth looks.

Thursday, January 27th: Hair has started curling like we're in a tropical rain forest. Stop trying to straighten it. Get backed into while sitting at a light by a Lexus SVU who was trying to "find" the sensor. Argh. Robbin believes there is $10k damage to our car.


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