I was a bit disappointed yesterday when my doctor told me I was measuring at exactly 31 weeks. Like almost every other pregnant woman out there, I can’t imagine getting any bigger. I was certain I must be ahead of the game. No such luck. On the plus side, I’ve gained 20 lbs…which hopefully means I will be in the healthy range by the end of this (under 35lbs). However the idea of gaining only 25lbs is a long ago dream. As far as I can tell, each and every one of those 20lbs is in my belly.
Robbin gave me a series of 4 massages for Christmas. I had the first one this weekend at Serenity and it was heavenly. I've received a couple recommendations to hold onto that last massage until after I give birth, so I plan to space them out about every 4-6 weeks.
We visited the hospital nursery after class last night. There were 10 babies, and all very very different looking in every way. Some were already chubby babies, some were so small they were swimming in their newborn diapers. They were different races; the Caucasian babies had hair ranging from curly blonde to a full head of dark hair. Some babies had the distinctive cone head while others looked like they may have been born via C-Section. I'm hoping Gus looks like one of the tiny ones.
Not much exciting with Gus this week. Tuesday I realized I had not felt him move in a while so I drank a glass of cold water and laid down on my left side just like all the books tell you to do. Within 2 minutes Gus had kicked/ punched my bladder and diaphragm so much I got up out of discomfort. There has been a distinctive change in his movements in the last week or so; the movements are much less jerky. He tends to feel more like he is pushing against me rather than kicking me. So, I need to get used to feeling those more subtle moves. I guess it's getting crowded in there.
Last weekend we went to a newish restaurant downtown, the Blue Horse. It had great music, good food and really poor service. I’m not sure if they were understaffed or if we just had a bad waiter. I honestly felt sorry for the guy because he was clearly overwhelmed by his job. I’d like to go back there after the baby is born to enjoy a glass of wine and listen to the music. But next time, we might just chose to sit at the bar.
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