May 16, 2011

I must have blinked

Because my son went from there to here in a flash.

Suddenly he able to hold his head up for quite a length of time.  He sleeps for 5 hour stretches.  (not always, but I see a pattern emerging)  He looks right at me and smiles back at me.  He has something that almost sounds like a laugh  (ah-oooo).  He's filling out 3-6 mos clothing and in size 2 diapers.

He's much more baby than newborn.

(Sigh)...out of sentiment and exhaustion


Timmy Tim Tim said...

Get something to hold your eyes open. They get too big too fast. For heaven's sake, I have an 8 year old! Where'd my baby go?

Megan M said...

I agree with Tim...Lilli is about to turn 5 and I am pretty sure that I am still recovering from her labor...

Crabby Apple Seed: said...

my god, he's LONG. I mean, duh, right, but still. WOW.