~Son lets you sleep until 6:45am. At which point you wake up naturally, wash your face, brush your teeth, get dressed and then go in the nursery to find him awake in his crib, quietly stretching and moving around.
~Son smiles at every person in Target and Earthfare. And at Earthfare, where he started asleep in his carseat, he woke up with a smile on his face.
~You find the rare cleanser for cloth diapers you're looking for at 40% off. And your hair dye a was 30% off.
~Son sleeps solidly on the way home from store, while you listen to NPR story about Mad Libs and wonder what he'll come up with when he's old enough to play Mad Libs on a road trip.
~Focusing on the positive and not the fact that son had a melt down at Home Depot (to the point that when I left the garden section and moved to paint the workers asked me if he was the crying baby); that the roof guy came looked at my roof and drove away without ever talking to me about the leak in the kitchen; that Robbin is still at work (it's 9:30 pm, he goes to work between 5:30 and 6:00 am);and that there is a strange burning smell coming from my dryer.
good to focus on the positive.
Katie had such an epic meltdown at Jewel yesterday, one of the cashiers came over and scanned all our stuff at the self checkout. which was awesome and so nice, but also kind of annoyed me because I only CHOSE the self-checkout because all the actual staffed lines were too long. regardless. take the wins where you find them, right?
I used to always choose self check out...and then I decided that the clerks were just better at scanning stuff than I was. :=)
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