August 20, 2011


That's what Gerald was apparently screaming last night while his father tried to soothe him.  As soon as took Jerry, he stopped.  And I swear he then looked accusingly at his father and wrapped his arm around me.  Minutes later he was then grinning at Robbin as if to say, "See, Daddy. I got Mommy to hold me, sucker."

On Sunday he was in the church nursery for 2 full hours while we met with the Reverend and attended service.  We did check on him midway through and he was perfectly fine. When we went to P.E.O. earlier this week, he wouldn't let anyone else hold him.  Whereas a month ago, he would let anyone, anywhere hold him and smile at them.  We didn't go to the Y this week.  I opted to do some running and walking with the stroller and ab work at home.  I'm not sure how he would have reacted to the nursery workers there.

On Wednesday we start our Mother Day Out program for my free 4 hours each week.  I really really hope he takes a liking to Miss Whitney.



Crabby Apple Seed: said...

Katie is very similar. Gracie never cared if I was around or not, and now she actively prefers for me to not be around, which is not exactly awesome, either. still, it can get oppressive when all they want is you.

Megan M said... hard on Robin, I bet, although you can secretly smile inside...Lilli was all me, Abigail was all about Jim. Which, in the middle of the night, I was just fine with. Now, the girls are all about which parents has yelled the least that evens out...

Rae said...

Megan, Right now this is more frustrating that ego boosting. Since I'm a SAHM, I get all day to comfort and enjoy my son. And at the end of the day...I kind of like the few minutes I get to myself while Robbin gets to the bedtime routine. And of course, Robbin is missing out on the time with Gerald. Starting Friday, we have a family vacation for 10 or so days. Hopefully all the time together for father and son will help. :-)