October 3, 2011


Parent/Child swim lessons went swimmingly.  Held on my side, Gerald immediately started digging with his hands and arms and kicking with his feet.  The teacher held a rubber duck in front of him and he lunged for it as if he were actually going to swim to it.  And when we did Humpty Dumpty falling off the wall (side of pool) he looked like he was launching for a race.  A few times he splashed himself too hard and didn't like it much.  He swallowed a bit of water and really didn't like that.  But overall it was lots of fun for both of us.

We also just had a brief trip to Chicago for my cousin Brenden's wedding.  We didn't get to see enough people and weren't there long enough.  But I am grateful for the time there and the people we did get to visit with.

I'll be working on the photo album for October if Gerald ever takes a nap today.  Apparently swimming was so fun Gerald is upset by every other aspect of his day.  And boy oh boy does my little boy need to nap.  He is currently on the floor telling his frustrations to the clown in the jack in the box.  It's nice he has someone to talk to.

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