January 4, 2015


I've decided to sew again this year.  It's been a long, long time.  In fact, in the fabric bin, I found cut fabric for an Amy Butler Pouf that I had volunteered to make for a friend's daughter that I never sewed.  I know I made one of these for another friend's daughter in 2011....so I assume it's been that long.  And really the cutting is the hardest part for me.  Well, that's not true.  Properly threading my machine is the hardest part for me.  But once that is right, sewing is the easiest part by far.

Here is my intended list of projects.
1) Shorts & pants for the boys.  Probably seersucker.
2) Valances for boys room
3) Curtain for our bedroom, which has a paned glass door.  But we never actually close the door, so this really doesn't present any problems.  Maybe a curtain for the same door in the guest room which is currently adorned with a shower curtain.
4) Santa bag for Brenden & Holly.
5) Finish the pouf.  The fabric is already cut even if the then baby now preschooler wouldn't be interested in it anymore; someone else might be.  & maybe a pouf for another friend's newborn, thinking Dr. Seuss theme this time.
6) Reupholster desk chair in kitchen.  (technically not a sewing project.)
7) New pillow covers for living room/
8) Heating pillows.  (maybe next year's Christmas gifts.)
9)  Giant floor pillows for the kids to use.
10) Crayon holders for my mommy bag/ purse.
11) A tunic/ pair of pants for myself.
12) Only if all else goes well, a large tote or weekender bag.  This is probably an easy project.  But it will need to be very durable and I don't want to waste pretty fabric on something just because my technique needs to improve.
13) Possibly new comforter covers for the boys.  And possibly valances for their rooms.  I'm still trying to figure out that space.

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